Facts And Questions, The Solutions

Have you been in real estate long enough to have been through at least one down cycle and understand and can explain the history of the real estate values in Fort Wayne?

Yes, I’ve been through at least 7 cycles. Please read the Real Estate of Real Estate Report in Theory of Real Estate.


Can you show the MLS statistics on your last 199 closed listings? (Have you had 199 closed listings?)

Yes, refer to Selling to view my last 21 Closing spread sheet.

Will you advertise my home on 10,000+ different web sites until SOLD?

Yes, I list your home on multiple websites to sell your home.

Will you send out a JUST LISTED mass mailing of up to 400 pieces?

Yes, I will send out a Just Sold and/or a Just Listed postcard to everyone in the area.

Will you provide me with internet access to homes competing with mine along with immediate updates?

Yes, the housing market can be very competitive and I am an aggressive competitor with competition.

Will you create a streaming audio-video ad, put my home on TV twice and then link the segment to my MLS listing?

Yes, I have a video crew that will come in and tape your listing and have it put on TV for a virtual tour.

Will you create a YouTube address for my home and upload the TV show?

Yes, I will upload the video taped to my YouTube channel for a virtual tour on the web.

Do you have an assistant to answer questions when you are unavailable?

Yes, I have a personal assistant to help with any questions you may have in the small chance I am not available. You would just have to call into Century 21 Bradley and ask for my assistant.

Is your company open and staffed 7 days a week to answer inquiries about my home and set appointments to show my home?

Yes, you can reach me 24/7 on my cell (260)760-4655 or email ed@edmccutcheon.com and the front desk of Century 21 Bradley (260)399-1177 during business hours which are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm, Saturday 8:30am to 5:00pm, and Sunday 12:00pm to 4:00pm.

Will you put my home on House Hunt 24/7?

Yes, This allows future buyers to access my listing information at anytime by phone.


Ed McCutcheon

Ed McCutcheon

Real Estate Agent

Connect with Ed McCutcheon

11 + 8 =

Briana Chisholm

Briana Chisholm

Personal Assistant for Ed McCutcheon