When you are trying to prepare your house for sale there are a few things I would like to remind you to be aware of. These tips are things sellers normally either forget or do not even know to thing of. 1. Paint. If you can try to repaint your walls a natural color. Buyers do not want to be distracted by the colors of your walls. This also helps the buyer be able to envision their personal belongings in your home. 2. Clean, de-clutter, and depersonalize. You want your home to look as clean as possible when you have potential buyers taking tours of your home. By cleaning and de-cluttering this will make your home look well kept and appleaing.One thing most home owners and even realtors forget to do after cleaning the bathroom is to CLOSE THE TOILET. Leaving this open is not something people want to see in pictures or in their walk through. By depersonalizing your home this will also help with the buyer to be able to envision themselves in your home. This means take down all person pictures, accents, children toys are put away, and pet items are put away. 3. Staging. Keep the decor simple. Again your goal is to help the buyer to be able to envision themselves in your space. make sure you have light bulbs replaced if they needs replaced or even replace them with a brighter light output. Bringing in plants into the space is a good idea too. This will give it a calming natural feel to the space. Make sure you clean and organize your closet spaces as well this will make...
When it comes to selling your home its best to keep it clean. It is hard to keep up with it when you are living in the house you are selling, but it will help your house sell better when it is clean and neat looking. Here are some areas I fell that are common problem areas for people when it comes to cleaning their homes. 1. Dust– I have learned that your home’s humidity level can cause more or less dust in your home. If your humidity level in your home is to high it creates the prefect environment for dust mites to live and grow, but if your levels are to low then it can create static which attracts more dust. I read it is better to keep your humidity level in your home between 40% to 50%. This well help with it being to dry and not to moist. It also helps to wash your vents in your home with soap and water at least once a year. 2. Ovens- Personally when it comes to cleaning ovens I do not like using chemicals. It is harsh on my skin and smells horrible. An easy way to clean ovens without harsh cleaners use a pumice stone. Get the stone wet and warm, then use it to clean off cooked on food and grease. This will clean your oven faster and without using harmful cleaners. 3. Carpets and Furniture- It is a good idea to get your carpets and furniture cleaned when you are trying to sell your home. Once you have gotten the carpets and furniture cleaned away to keep them clean is...
When selling your home most people think it is a good idea to have air fresheners placed throughout the home. In some sense this is okay to do but there is a line that needs to be drawn on when to many is to over powering. There are quite a few types of air fresheners out there. There are sprays, plug-in’s, and oils for air fresheners out, but that does not mean all of them are a good idea or fit for your home when you are trying to sell. They do not actually get rid of the smells in your home, they mainly just mask the smells. But isn’t that a good thing you ask? To many air fresheners in your home can cause more harm then good actually. It does not only raise red flags to potential buyers but it also can cause health issues. Air fresheners can trigger allergens, asthma, head aches, or even uncomfortable breathing issues. When you have a potential buyer coming through the home you do not want them to be distracted by the over powering smells of your air fresheners or cause them discomfort. One air freshener for every 3-4 rooms, in my opinion, will do just fine. It will add a pleasant smell, but not a smell that seems like you are hiding something like a pet or trying to cause the potential buyer discomfort in their tour. If you have pets and they have left odors behind it is best to eliminate the smells, not mask them. To get rid of these types of odors it is best to deep clean these spots. You...
Marketing Your Home What i will do for YOU! Immediate placement in the MLS, which notifies the 7145 REALTORS in the Indiana Regional MLS your home is on the market until SOLD. Your home will be viewable on over 10,000 Buyer websites until SOLD. A mass mailing to your area and my select database telling that your home is for sale. (Up to 400 pieces.) Internet access to homes competing with yours along with 15 minute updates. 2 spots on the Century 21 Bradley TV show, Sunday at 9:30 a.m. on WPTA channel 21, the only real estate show in Fort Wayne, with that ad then placed on the Century21Bradley.com website, on in streaming video and uploaded to YouTube until SOLD. House Hunt 24/7, Prospective Buyers can get MLS information on your home with a phone call which notifies me immediately of their interest. Our office is open and staffed 7 days a week, 72.5 hours, to answer calls about your home. My experience, 15,496 days today, March 21, 2016. I am the Top Agent for 2011, 2012 and 2013. Century 21 Bradley Realty is the #1 C21 office of over 2000 Century 21s in the United States for number of homes sold in a year. SMARTER.BOLDER.FASTER CONTACT ME TODAY! 24/7 CELL/VM (260)760-4655 EMAIL ED@EDMCCUTCHEON.COM ...
Selling Your Present Home List Price – Actual Price in the MLS Target Price – What the Seller wanted to get Sale Price – What the Seller actually got DOM – Days On Market, how long it took to get an accepted offer (These averaged 35 Days) My Last 21 SOLD Listings List Price Target Price Sale Price DOM 229,900. 220,000. 221,000. 50 129,900. 125,000. 130,000. 1 282,500. 278,000. 278,000. 21 154,900. 152,000. 153,000. 3 116,900. 113,000. 110,000. 44 69.900. 69,900. 69,900. 3 194,900. 189,900. 191,000. 19 349,900. 340,000. 353,900. 14 295,900. 290,000. 289,500. 113 144,900. 140,000. 138,000. 21 172,900. 168,000. 162,500. 95 82,900. 79,000. 78,000. 17 178,900. 175,000. 175,900. 47 129,900. 120,000. 129,900. 2 154,900. 150,000. 155,000. 27 111,900. 109,000. 113,000. 8 119,900. 115,000. 117,500. 123 259,000. 250,000. 259,900. 8 116,500. 110,000. 105,500. 85 139,900.. 135,000. 136,500. 14 149,900. 140,000. 138,500. 71 24 Hr Cell/VM (260) 760-4655 Email Ed@EdMcCutcheon.com Licensed Broker Since 1973 IF YOU’RE BUYING – IT’S BOUGHT! IF YOU’RE SELLING – IT’S...
In case you were wondering, here is an 8 year history of mortgage rates....
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